2022 is a Local Government Election year. On Saturday, October 15, 2022, New Denver residents and property owners will have the opportunity to vote for 1 Mayor and 4 Councillors who will represent you and your interests as the Village of New Denver Council for a four year term of November 2022 to November 2026.
Why vote?
The act of voting is democracy in action. It is a right and a privilege that has evolved over decades. Everyone who meets the eligibility requirements can vote regardless of ethnicity, religion, birthplace, gender or social status.
Your local government sets policies and procedures for services that affect your daily life. These include roads, water, fire rescue services, garbage collection and disposal, parks, recreation, community centres, libraries, law enforcement, land development and business licensing.
From the time you awake in the morning and until you sleep in the evening, there are very few aspects of your life not touched by a decision made by past and present councils.
Voting dates
Advance voting: Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Advance voting is available on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 in the Council Chambers located at the Village of New Denver office, 115 Slocan Avenue, from 8 am to 8 pm.
General voting: Saturday, October 15, 2022
General voting will take place on Saturday, October 15, 2022 at the Knox Hall, 521 6th Avenue from 8 am to 8 pm.
About your local government
The Village of New Denver Council is the governing body of the Village. The Community Charter Act of BC and the Local Government Act of BC as well as other provincial legislation, gives council the authority to do what is necessary for the operation of the village. On voting days, residents elect their mayor, councillors on a four year cycle.