Have you noticed construction activity at the south end of Centennial Park lately? Here’s a sneak peek at what is happening and what’s to come.
The new construction underway at this time (July 2023) is a washroom and power building, approximately 14′ x 16′ (plus an overhang). Two washroom stalls will be available to the public here in the fall of 2023, with power provided in time for the return of the Hills Garlic Festival in early September. Of course along with washrooms comes water, septic, and power. All of these services are being installed in support of the washroom and power building, and the washroom and power building is, in part, being constructed to support the new outdoor stage that is yet to come.
Construction of a new outdoor covered stage and gathering space is expected to be underway this fall. This will be located near the lake, north of the lakeside campsites where the campground’s group camping used to be sited – south of the gazebo.
Funding for the above has been made available by the Columbia Basin Trust (CBT), through their Community Outdoor Revitalization Grant, as well as the Village of New Denver. The Village would like to extend a big thank you to CBT for their ongoing support.
Below are some conceptual & construction images to give you an idea of what is coming: