Business Licences

Businesses operating within municipal boundaries must have a business licence to operate within New Denver.

The Village of New Denver Business Licence Bylaw can be found online HERE.

To Obtain a Business Licence

  1. Fill out and sign a Business Licence Application and email or mail to the office.
  2. Once your application is reviewed and approved, you will be contacted regarding payment. Please pay your business licence fee by cash, cheque, debit, or e-transfer.

When a business licence is issued, a business licence certificate will be available for pick up, or mailed by request.


Licence holders will receive a renewal notice at the beginning of each calendar year. Please contact our office if there are any changes to your business or you are no longer in business.

Inter-Community Business Licences

The Village of New Denver is a member of the West Kootenay Inter-Community Business Licensing program which is directed to those businesses that are mobile and may conduct business within several area communities. The fee for an intercommunity business licence is $100.00 and is separate and additional to any municipal business licence fee, which may be required.

New Denver’s Inter-Community Business Licence Bylaw can be found online HERE. For a list of participating communities, visit

Business Licence Fees

Village of New Denver Business Licence Fees: See Fees & Charges Bylaw details HERE.
Annual Inter-Community Business Licence Fee: $100


Village of New Denver
115 Slocan Avenue
PO Box 40
New Denver, BC V0G 1S0

Phone: 250 358 2316

Hours of Operation
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Coming Events