Natural disasters—such as floods and wildfires—or technological or environmental accidents like chemical spills or transportation incidents can strike your community at any time. Being prepared can make a significant difference to your life. Your best defense is to be prepared.
In our area, the four most likely emergencies to occur are wildfires, floods, landslides and hazardous materials spills.
Know the Risks: Have a Plan – Get a Kit – Sign up for Voyent Alert
New! Interactive Emergency Ready Planner
Home emergency planning just got easier, now that the ever-popular PreparedBC Home Emergency Plan has gone digital! Follow the prompts in the new Emergency Ready Planner and you’ll receive a personalized home emergency plan, including customized resources and information based on your unique household needs. Your completed plan can be printed or saved to a mobile device, tablet or computer.
Make Your Emergency Ready Plan (
What happens if there’s an emergency?
Protecting public safety is the priority of government. When emergencies occur, several agencies must work together to assist people with evacuation and access to shelter, clean water and food.
Municipalities and regional districts have emergency plans in place to protect their citizens. The Province of BC assists local government in being prepared before disaster strikes and will activate the provincial emergency management structure to support local emergency operations centres (EOC) during emergencies.
When required, an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) will be opened by the Regional District to support the emergency or disaster. An EOC is responsible for various duties such as declaring a state of local emergency, coordinating multiple agencies, providing media releases and managing evacuees.
The Regional District has prepared Emergency Response Plans for seven areas, including New Denver and Electoral Area H.
What to do in an emergency:
- Check for updates – RDCK updates such as evacuation information, maps and current alerts.
- Ensure you have signed up for Voyent Alert Emergency Notification System. In potentially life-threatening circumstances, the RDCK may issue an Evacuation Alert or an Evacuation Order to residents living in a hazard area. Any Evacuation Alerts or Orders will be communicated through the Voyent Alert Emergency Notification System. Information related to current emergencies will also be posted on: The EOC Information page, local radio stations, Facebook and Twitter.
- Make a plan: plan with your household or family what to do in case of emergency.
- Prepare a Grab’n’Go Kit – Being prepared can help you and your family get through a disaster. Consider whether you will need some of the following items in your “grab and go” emergency kit.
Find current and official information during emergencies in B.C.
Follow @EmergencyInfoBC on X (Twitter) for updates.
Tools & Resources
Visit the following important resources:
RDCK Emergency Management – RDCK provides emergency management information and services for our community.
Emergency Management in BC – Emergency management in BC is guided by four pillars: Mitigation, Preparation, Response and Recovery. Learn how the province is involved in emergencies and find resources for your household, neighbourhood and community.
PreparedBC – PreparedBC provides detailed information and personal plans to help prepare for floods, wildfires, and many more emergencies. Learn how to prepare your home, family, business or neighbourhood for potential disasters.
Neighbourhood Preparedness Guide – Connecting with them today, and working together to get prepared, will mean a better response and faster recovery.
Emergency Services
Should you require the services of an ambulance (or any emergency service), please dial 911.
British Columbia Ambulance Services (BCAS) provides ambulance services to the Village of New Denver and the outlying areas. BCAS operates under the authority of the Emergency Health Services Commission of the BC Ministry of Health.
Should you require the emergency services of the fire department (or any emergency service), please dial 911.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are responsible for law enforcement within the Village of New Denver and outlying areas.
For emergencies: please dial 911
Non-emergency number: 250-357-2212
Other Emergency Contacts (non ambulance, fire or police):
Floods, landslides, spills or other hazards (24 hr): 1-800-663-3456
BC Wildfire: 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on a cell
Power lines / electrical hazards: 911
BC Hydro: 1-800-224-9376
Nelson Hydro: 1-877-324-9376
Gas leak: Fortis Emergency Line: 1-800-663-9911 or 911
Highways: Drive BC
YRB (Yellowhead Road & Bridge) 24H line: 1-888-352-0356
RDCK Emergency Operations Centre: 1-866-522-7701