Pursuant to Section 464(2) and 467 of the Local Government Act, the requirement for a public hearing has been waived for proposed bylaw “Village of New Denver Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 748, 2023,” because an Official Community Plan applies to the area that is subject to Bylaw No. 748, 2023, and the Village of New Denver considers this bylaw to be consistent with “Village of New Denver Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 611, 2007.”
Bylaw No. 748, 2023 affects the C2 – Local Commercial Zone and the property located at 820 Bellevue Street in New Denver, legally described as Parcel A (DD KM3627), Block 13, District Lot 432, Kootenay District, Plan 9501 (see map below). The Village of New Denver is providing notice of its intent to consider third reading of Bylaw No.748, 2023 at a Regular Council Meeting held on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 in Council Chambers at 115 Slocan Avenue, New Denver, BC.

About the Zoning Amendment
The purpose of Bylaw No.748, 2023 is to amend the text of the Zoning Bylaw to permit more than one principal building in the C2 (Local Commercial) zone. As it stands, where there is a single- or two-family dwelling on a property in the C2 zone, no additional principal buildings are permitted. This prevents commercial in a zone intended to permit mixed commercial and residential uses.
More Information
A copy of the Amendment Bylaw and additional relevant information may be inspected prior to the Council Meeting at the Village of New Denver office at 115 Slocan Avenue until Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. Office hours are Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please contact the Village office directly for more information.
Phone: (250) 358-2316 · Email: office[at]newdenver[dot]ca